Children's Activities

Old cemeteries are a wonderful place for children to learn about the value of history and heritage, and children who develop a respect for old cemeteries will still have that appreciation later in life. This is why we run fun activities such as Graveyard Explorer tours and symbol hunts that really get children engaged in the cemetery. We also welcome families on our Guardian Angel grave cleaning community days.

Scavenger and Symbol Hunts
This is a fun activity for primary-aged children, searching among the graves to find different symbols and other information. They will develop an eye for the details in these special places. These are run occasionally as weekend public access events.

Graveyard Explorer!
This is a special tour for primary-aged children, in which they discover the importance of cemeteries and how to understand them. These are offered to schools and other youth organisations, and occasionally as weekend public activities at South Brisbane Cemetery.

‘Graveyard Explorer’
Activity Packs for Children
$4.00 Details here.

Private and Easy Access Tours

We can organise private cemetery day tours and events just for your own group of friends. We also run Easy Access tours for groups with mobility issues. You can select any available tour type you want. Minimum cost is $150 for up to 15 people (extra people $10 per person).

All our tours are not-for-profit and run by the Friends of South Brisbane Cemetery (Inc.) in a community partnership with the Boggo Road Gaol Historical Society (Inc.), and are conducted under license from the Brisbane City Council. All profits go towards our cemetery heritage projects and FOSBC community activities.

Please contact with your queries.

These are not-for-profit ‘Real History’ events that respect historical accuracy and cemetery values.